
functional, holistic remedies for modern folks

1. Soy - 93% grown as GM crop (2012).

2. Corn - about 88% U.S. corn is GMO (2012).

3. Cotton & Cottonseed - 94% grown as GMO (2012). 

4. Canola - 90% grown as GM in US & Canada (2012).

5. Hawaiian Papaya - 75% GMO to withstand papaya ringspot virus (2012).

6. Sugar Beets - 90% crops are grown from GMO (2012).

7. Zucchini & Crook Neck Squash - small amount

8. Aspartame - Created in part by GMO organisms. Also called NutraSweet and Equal. Found in over 6000 food products.

9. Animal Products - Meats, dairy products, farmed fish and eggs are usually from animals fed GM feed.

10. Honey and bee pollen may have been gathered from GM plants. You can't control where bees go.



What to do?

1. Buy organic

2. Look for 'Non-GMO' labels

3. Avoid at risk products - most GM crops are hidden in the processed food items that contain soy, corn, cottenseed, and canola oils.

4. Use non-GMO shopping guide here.

5. Grown your own organic foods.

6. Avoid processed and packaged foods -  Food additives, enzymes, flavoring, and processing agents are often produced by GM bacteria, yeast or fungi.



1. http://theorganicmomma.com/the-top-10-gmo-foods-to-keep-away-from-your-table/
2. http://www.westonaprice.org/modern-foods/how-to-avoid-gmos
3. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/10/20/gmo-poisons-found-in-indiana-waterways.aspx 
4, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/margie-kelly/genetically-modified-food_b_2039455.html