More than 3, 000 enzymes have been identified to keep your whole body functioning properly. There may be another 50, 000 we have yet to discover. They are not only necessary for digestiong, but for ALL of your physiological processes. When you lack them, you may have symptoms such as:
1. Food intolerance
2. Gas, bloating, belching
3. Constipation, cramping
4. Diarrhea
5. Heatburn and acid reflux
Other essntial activities in your body involve enzymes:
1. Energy production
2. Absorption of oxygen
3. Fighting infections and healing wounds
4. Reducing inflammtion
5. Getting nutrients into your cells
6. Carrying away toxic wastes
7. Breaking down fats in your blood, regulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels
8. Dissolving blood clots
9. Proper hormone regulation
10. Slowing the aging process
Three Basic Categories of Enzymes:
1. Digestive - break down food into smaller parts so that they can be absorbed, trasnported and used in your cells. They are found outside of your cells.
2. Metabolic - helps your cells to carry out variety of functions related to its reproduction and replenishment. They are inside your cells. Most metoblic enzymes are produced by your pancreas.
3. Food based - You get many enzymes from the raw food you eat. They help with your digestive needs. The more raw food you eat, the less the burden you place on your body to produce the enzymes it needs for digestion as well as everything else. Enzymes that are not used up in digestion, then be able to help with other important physiological processes.
Heating food above 116'F kills most digestive enzymes.
Eight primary digestive enzymes:
1. Protease: breakdown proteins
2. Amylase: breakdown carbohydrates; found in our saliva and from pancrease
3. Lipase: breakdown fats; works with bile salts excreted from the liver
4. Cellulas: breakdown fiber
5. Maltas: converts complex sugars from grains into glucose
6. Lactase: breakdown milk sugar, lactose
7. Phytase: overall digestion, esp. in producing B vitamins
8. Sucrase: breakdown most sugars
90 percent of your digestion and absorption takes place in your small intestine.
Every decade, your body's enzyme production decrease by 13%. Research showed that your natural enzyme production starts to decline at about age 20.
Your stomach produces less hydrocholoric acid as you age, and it is crucial in activating your stomach's digestive enzymes.
Enzymes clean your blood? Yes, bacteria, fungi, and parasites are all made up of proteins. And enzymes in your blood are primarily proteases which, can break down protein-based foreign bodies, hence keep your blood clean. Blood cleansers combat chronic inflammation that can lead to everything from autoimmune disease to cardiovasclar disease and even cancer. It does this by:
1. Break down of foreign proteins in your blood that causes inflammation
2. Removing fibrin, a clotting material that can prolong inflmmation
3. Reducing edema in the inflamed regions
Powerful Natural Enzyme Sources:
1. Papaya, pineapple, mango, kiwi, and grapes
2. Avocado
3. Raw honey
4. Bee pollen
5. Faw meat and dairy
Naturally increase your enzyme levels by:
1. Increase your intake of raw, living foods. Preferably 75% of your food is raw.
2. Eat fewer calories
3. Chew your food thoroughly
4. Avoid chewing gum