Table 2e. Characteristics of Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19
Take this document from the NIH with you to the hospital (if you have to go) for treatment of C symptoms. Using the recommended Remdesivir will cause pre-mature death due to acute kidney and liver failure! Treatment using Ivermectin is approved by NIH on the same table as Remdesivir (second treatment option on the table). The article tells what amount to use for adult treatment.
Ivermectin is not approved for C-treatment by FDA, CDC, AMA (American Medical Assoc), and the WHO (World Health Organization). But it's approved by NIH. Why? It is an approved treatment just as Remdesivir, and without affecting the liver and kidneys. There are three references to severe renal failures using Remdesivir.
Remdesivir causes acute liver and kidney failures, and the lungs will be flooded with water called pulmonary edema (which will drown you to death) then they have to force a vent into the lungs for air because it's full of water and mucus. This is what happens when there's kidney failure for 3-5 days.
They called it secondary c.o.v.i.d. pneumonia, and they won't even tested the sputum for verification if it's viral or bacterial. Verification was a standard procedure before c.o.v.i.d.
Can also type in any search engine:, then serach for 'table 2e. characteristics of antiviral agents', look and click on the article to view.
For medicare patients with c symptoms, hospitals are told that they will receive additional 20% bonus for using Remdesivir ($2400 is now $3200) over Ivermectin (which is $125 for 5 day treatment). See document here. Or type into any search engine ' 20% bonus remdesivir'
Post-Thanksgiving mask charts: Still no evidence that masks work – More Self-Explanatory Graphs here.
This is a foreign site with 40 seconds before the documentary starts.